
måndag 11 november 2019

Drachenwald Kingdom University 2019

This weekend I went to Drachenwald Kingdom University in Gotvik, Nordmark. Such a joyful event! 31 classes during four hours and I wanted to join in on all of them! Such a nice problem to have... A big thank you to the autocrats and to all the talented teachers.

Lady Görvel Skote started of with her class "Cooking beyond the books" as the first class in the morning. She talked about understanding the seasonal and regional cooking from a historical perspective. In mundane life Görvel have written a couple of medieval cookbooks, like En sås av ringa värde and An early meal - a viking cookbook & culinary odyssey. She also talked about the journey with the books and about upcoming plans. Görvel is also my little household sister and Im very proud of being in the same household as such a talented lady!
Lady Eleanor de Arnot had an excellent class "Netting for hairnets, purses, or fishing". We got to try to make our own, learning the basic knot, with focus on netting in the round for hairnets. It was great fun! But so difficult. And this is me, trying to wrap my head around the construction of a hairnet. I will definitely try to make one of my own, someday...

 Unfortunately I could not go to Lady Ragnell Caxtones class about early tudor bonnets. But I did sneak in afterwards to look at her beautiful bonnets. I also delivered the shirt to her, finally! Im looking forward to seeing her wear it.
As last year at Kingdom University I was holding a class about German 16th century headwear. This picture is from right before the class was going to start and I were waiting for people to join in. I was talking about the various looks of the headwear of the German renaissance, from 1500-1550, theories on construction and development over the time period. The information is available in this article. As we said during class "Size do matter!".

Friday court often means that its a vigil coming up, and that was exactly what happened. Twice! And for two persons I know, like and respect a lot. Aleydis von Vilvoorde was put at vigil for The order of the Laurel and Isabetta del Verde for The order of the Pelican. I did know about one of them and had the chance to make her a little gift. I made Aleydis a napkin with silk embroidery. I wish I had picture of these fantastic moments, but when it matter the most I tend to forget the camera. And during the big court on Saturday evening I was lady in waiting for the princess of Nordmark.

I was surounded by beautiful people all weekend. 
Excellent company at dinner, both with very nice headwear on! Sometimes you could need a little help from a costuming laurel!
And also a lot of happy craziness!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Well my outfit can for sure represent the happy craziness ;-)

  2. Its a very good color of that dress for happy craziness!
