
tisdag 10 december 2019

Liber cure cocorum - feast at Lucia

Liber Cure Cocorum, new words that I have learned after the weekend. Its an English cookbook from 1430. And the feast at Styringheims Lucia feast and baronial investiture. The cookbook is writen in verse and the Nordmark theaterguild made a fantastic job reading it out to the audience. It was impossible not to laugh! Thank you! And also, Renike, such a lovely event you made for us. I know you might not want to take care of Lucia again, but if you do Im sure it will be great, again. 

My household sister Görvel was head of the kitchen, telling the rest of us what to do and when. She planed and organized the hole feast. She keeps impressing me and we all had great fun! We made food for 110 people. As beeing in the kitchen for the entire event I dont have that many pictures. The ones Im able to show you here comes from all the people in the kitchen, except me actually...

For the first serving we did Sowpus dorre, For kole, For Pykulles, Chewettes on a fish day. And pike, served with horseradish butter. Görvel found horseradish mentioned in a book from Visby from the timeperiod. We did not serve any meat, except some kicken, during lent, now just before christmas.
Picture by Erika Hedhammar
Sowpus dorre                                                                      27. Glazed Sops.
Take almondes, bray hem, wryng hom up;                         Take almonds, pound them, wring them up;
Boyle hom with wyn rede to sup;                                        Boil them with red wine to sup;
Þen temper hom with wyn, salt, I rede,                               Then mix them with wine, salt, I advise,
And loke þou tost fyne wete brede,                                     And look you toast fine wheat bread,
And lay in dysshes, dubene with wyne;                              And lay in dishes, baste with wine;
Do in þis dysshes mete, þat is so fyne;                                Put in these dishes meat, that is so fine;
Messe hit forthe, and florysshe hit þenn                              Serve it forth, and garnish it then
With sugur and gynger, as I þe kenne.                                 With sugar and ginger, as I teach you.

For the second serving we did For gray Paese, For hong kole, For flaunes and Chicken in brouwet. And also a rice pudding, beeing on Gotland an all!

Chekyns in browet                                                       51. Chickens in broth.
Take chekyns, scalde hom fayre and clene;                 Take chickens, scald them fair and clean;
Take persole, sauge, oþer herb3, grene                        Take parsley, sage, other herbs, green
Grapus, and stope þy chekyns with wynne;                 Grapes, and stuff your chickens with will
Take goode brothe, sethe hom þerinne,                        Take good broth, seethe them therein,
So þat þay sone boyled may be;                                   So that they may soon be boiled;
Coloure þe brothe with safrone fre,                              Color the broth freely with saffron,
And cast þeron powder dowce,                                    And cast thereon powder douce, 
For to be served in goode mennys howse.                   
For to be served in good men's house.

For flaunes, cheesepie. Picture by Hanna Tunberg.

The translation comes from here. And at this page you can also find the rest of the food we made. The recipes are changes a little, just to make it possible to use food from Gotland. The third serving was a table full of candy and sweets. 
Rice pudding. Picture by Hanna Tunberg

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