lördag 6 juni 2020

Pilgrimage in Aros

Finally I had a chance to meet some of my friends! The medieval group Aros in Nordmark has done a pilgrimage every national day for a couple of years but I haven't been able to participate before. Today it felted important to go, just because we haven't been able to see each other for such a long time.

We started our walk at the Uppsala Cathedral, that dates from the late 13th century. Originally built under Roman Catholicism, the church was used for coronations of the Swedish monarchs for a very long time, even after the reformation. Most of the structure was built between 1272 and 1420 but the western end was completed only in the middle of the 15th century.

Here is me and Helwig before we started the walk. We both wear 16th century clothing, but hers is English and mine are German. Hers is also a bit later than mine, more 1570, than my 1525-30s.

Erik Darlekarl is ready to go.

A lot to talk about, after such a long time without events.

I think the mix of clothing from different countries and periods is one of Sca:s strengths. But there is always nice to be able to get pictures of people wearing the same type of clothing. Im wearing my red woolen gown/rock as usual. Under it I have my kirtle/unterrock. Here I have put my skirts up, it was hot parts of the walk.
My basket is actually a copy of a 16th century german model. I borrowed it from a friend and today when I tried to give it back, she gave it to me which made me very happy. To find modern ready made stuff that look the same as they did back then is always very nice.
I do also wearing my high necked untergollar and a plain haube, very nice when you are out walking and don´t want a long veil.

Soon there!

We are walking to Old Uppsala. As early as the 3rd century AD and the 4th century AD and onwards, it was an important religious, economic and political centre. The hills in this picture is actually a great grave field from the Roman Iron age and the Germanic Iron age.

Here you also see one big tumulus in the background.

But the rain interupted us, so we needed to finish inside, instead of eating outside as planned.

But we got a big room just for us, so a lot of room. Helwig got a pair of new shoes, made by Erik Darlekarl, and we all wanted one!

A great day, back among friends.

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